
Cyprus LNG Import Terminal


The Natural Gas Infrastructure Company of Cyprus (ETYFA Ltd) has signed an EPCOM (Engineer, Procure,
Construct, Operate and Maintain) type of contract with a consortium comprising of China Petroleum Pipeline
Engineering Co. Ltd (CPP), Metron Energy Applications S.A., Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (group) Co. Limited
and Whilhelmsen Ship Management Limited. The Contractor consortium is represented by CPP-METRON
Consortium Ltd (CMC Ltd), a registered in Cyprus company, that has signed an Agency Agreement with (the
Contractor) and acts on its behalf.

This project aims at the construction of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Receiving and Regasification Terminal in
the Vasilikos area, for importing natural gas on the island of Cyprus and facilitate its use mainly for power
generation purposes but also for other future industrial and urban uses. Natural gas (re-gasified LNG) will be
supplied initially to the EAC Vasilikos power station.

The project falls within the development area of the Vasilikos Master Plan and is part of the Project of Common
Interest (PCI) “Removing Internal Bottlenecks in Cyprus to end isolation and to allow for the transmission of gas
from the eastern Mediterranean region (CyprusGas 2EU)”. It is located within the boundaries of the Mari
Community in the Larnaca District, 36 km west of Larnaca town. The project’s offshore part lies in the Vasilikos
Bay, southeast of the EAC Vasilikos power station and west of the fuel storage terminal of VTT Vasiliko Ltd (VTTV).

Our project

The project includes the construction of a jetty on piles/ access trestle which will serve the berthing as well as the loading and unloading procedures of a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) of LNG of capacity up to 137,000 m³ LNG and of an LNG Carrier (LNGC) in the Vasilikos area in Cyprus, as well as the associated onshoreworks (pipelines, meters, buffer zone, etc.). 

The LNG transfer capacity from an LNGC Q-FLEX category to the FSRU is at least 10,000 m3 /h at a pressure of not less than 3 Barg.
The FSRU will transfer the natural gas to the final recipient at a maximum pressure of up to 70 Barg for a quantity of 250 m3/h.


Mooring and Operation of an FSRU of Natural Gas with a capacity of up to 137,000 m³ LNG. An ex-LNG carrier has been purchased and is currently under maintenance and installation of a regasification unit in Shanghai shipyard for its transformation into an FSRU.

Jetty Construction

Construction and operation of the jetty on piles/ access trestle. The jetty/ access trestle will extend to the sea in the direction North - South for 752 m and then will bend Southwest (220 ° N) for 436 m, where near its end the central loading and unloading platform will be constructed as well as the vessel berth.

Onshore Installations

Onshore Installations include (a) Buffer Storage Pipeline array, (b) Above Ground Installation (AGI), and (c) Pressure Reduction and Measuring Station (PRMS). The onshore works occupy an area of 62,600 m² next to the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) power plant.

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Gas Pipelines

Natural Gas Pipeline (Near-shore Natural Gas Pipeline), which will be divided into two parts: (a) Jetty Natural Gas Pipeline, (b) Onshore Natural Gas Pipeline.

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Future Berthing

The design of future berthing for an FSU and bunkering vessel is also included within the EPCOM Contractor’s responsibility.

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Construction of AGI

Construction of Onshore Above Ground Installation (AGI) – Pressure Reduction and Metering Station, including pig trap facility.

location of the establishment

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